the apothecary network


A project exploring how creative tech can play a part in climate action focused on herbalism and community.

the apothecary network will seek to use creative tech to offer people easy access to the knowledge needed build a network of decolonial community apothecaries which centre growing, herbalism, community, collective care, joy, and connection with nature in radical, anti-racist ways and reclaim green spaces for Black, Brown, racialised and diaspora communities.

This project will centre ancestral knowledge and community joy using app technology to bring us closer to nature, give people agency over the land they call home and build a relationship of reciprocity with plants.

the apothecary network app will ask how the climate crisis has impacted your community and consider how much green space (whatever that means to you) that you have access to.

The app will then offer plants allies which you can build a relationship with that will allow you to connect with the natural world while creating remedies and medicines to soothe some of the impacts of climate injustice on your friends, families and loved ones.

This prototype will be based upon plants and knowledge researched by herbalist Zoe Palmer and afrofuturist apothecary.

It will initially centre eight plant allies that have been selected for their ease of growth, medicinal properties and historical link to the struggles within diaspora communities.

Our long term aim is to create a community around this ancestral knowledge and build a relationship of reciprocity with the land and each other. This includes seed libraries, community medicine-making workshops and knowledge sharing.


Creative Team

Marcus Bernard
Creative Producer and Co-Creator


Zoe Palmer
Herbalist and Co-Creator

Javie Huxley
Designer and Co-Creator


Zaina Nesayem
Technologist and Co-Creator


Values and Principles

the apothecary network was created to honour the ancestral knowledge, intuitive practices and lived experiences of racialised and diaspora communities. It is a prototype that allows people to come together to combat climate injustice.

However, we want this to be open to everyone but there are a certain set of principles and values that we used to create the app that we would like our users to consider when using our prototype.

We ask people to remember that this is a space for Black and Brown communities to heal, and you are a guest in this space. Read our full Values and Principles statement.



We built an interactive prototype using Figma - a collaborative wireframing design tool. This process included creating a user experience flowchart, conditional logic mapping as well as wire mapping our prototype design pages.

The prototype was built by Zai Builds.


Illustrations by Javie Huxley

For the apothecary network, our designer created individual illustrations of the plant allies that we built our prototype around.

Our aim was to create something that was both beautiful and functional as a means to identify plants.

We believe that these illustrations centre an experience of intuition and joy that are not always found with the usual clinic botanical photos.

Please visit @javhux for more.


Collective Herbalism Workshop

In light of the genocides that are taking place in Gaza and the Occupied West Bank as well as Congo and other parts of the world, we hosted a Collective Herbalism medicine making workshop to come together to make a herbal nervous system support for all those impacted.

Our aim was to implement some of the principles of this project and to unite in community for a evening of healing, intention setting and collectively experiencing how herbal medicine can have a positive impact in our lives and help to replenish us in challenging times.

This workshop was held on Monday 4th December 2023 at Artsadmin Canteen. Over £160 was raised for Palestine Action.


Presentation with BSL

To find out a little more you can watch a presentation that was given during the Grounding Technologies showcase.

Prototype Clickthrough

Below is a clickthrough demonstration of the prototype app so you can see it in action and the vision for the apothecary network.



This prototype project was inspired by Black Earth: Resistance, Anti-Racism and the Environment by tiata fahodzi and is intended to be a natural extension.

Black Earth was a research project encompassing workshops, nature walks, artist commissions and Green Care Packages for members of the local communities in Watford and the South East, and the Bristol and Bath regions. It was during this project that the seed for the apothecary network was planted and, with the generous permission and support from tiata fahodzi, that seed has continued to grow.

Special thanks to those who supported, consulted and contributed to this prototype project:

Chinonyerem Odimba, Solidarity Apothecary, Nicole Rose, Joel Gethin Lewis, Comuzi and Hannah Roza Fisher.


the apothecary network was commissioned by the Grounding Technologies project, funded by Bristol + Bath Creative R+D on behalf of the Arts and Humanities Research Council.

Grounding Technologies is a 6 month programme funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council’s (AHRC) and Department for Media, Culture and Sport (DCMS) as part of its Demonstrator programme. It is also supported by Bristol+Bath Creative R+D, part of AHRC's Creative Industries Clusters Programme.

Bristol+Bath Creative R+D is a collaboration between UWE Bristol, Bath Spa, University of Bath, University of Bristol and Watershed, which has spent five years working to create a more equitable environment for innovation to raise the bar for the region’s creative industries.